The Dhinakarans My dearly beloved, all the authority lies in the hand of the Lord who created all things. Our Lord God says ‘My son, my daughter, my child, do not fear for I am with you’. The Lord says fear not for I am with you because He knows that there is fear in our hearts. Why do we have to worry when God is with us? The more we hold on to the Lord, the more He will be with us. King David said this to Solomon ‘And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve Him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever’ (I chronicles 28:9).
When God is with us, He does another thing as well; according to His word in Isaiah 50:9 ‘It is the Sovereign LORD who helps me. Who will condemn me?’ no one will be able to condemn you, because the God who will help you is standing by you. The Bible says in Isaiah 54:15 & 17 ‘Whoever attacks you will surrender to you; no weapon forged against you will prevail’.
There was once a postman. He and his family sought the Lord truly. They had family prayer, individual prayer, they went to church as a family, they all started everything with prayer and they gave first place to the Lord in everything they did. And because of this, they had an oneness of heart, peace and happiness. Their neighbour was watching all of this. He got jealous saying ‘They are all so happy! They don’t have any luxury or money, but still they are so happy.’ He went to a magician and paid him money asking him to destroy their family. The magician also accepted the money and sent an evil spirit that he had summoned. But the evil spirit could go near the house, and it returned back. The magician asked why it had returned. The evil spirit replied saying that there was a fence of fire around the house and that it could not touch anyone.
Some days passed by and the neighbour who had paid the magician went to him and complained that nothing had happened like he had asked. The magician replied ‘I cannot do it sir. Please find someone else yourself’. The neighbour was surprised. He decided to find out things by himself; he knocked on their door, went inside and questioned the post man. The post man made him sit down and testified for the Lord saying ‘This is what marriage is. The Lord Jesus is our support and our protector, He is also our defender and He protects us.’
Yes my dearly beloved, a lot of things may arise against you. But if you walk in the path of righteousness as a child of Jesus, God will make it His job to put up a fence around your house. The Bible says in Isaiah 41:3 ‘For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you ‘Do not fear; I will help you’. Stop and think if you have a fence of prayer around your family. Get rid of any evil that will distraught the oneness and unity in your family. God is talking to you today. Seek the Lord as a family just like that post man and leave behind all your weakness. The Lord will protect your family and give you bountiful blessings.
Our Gracious Heavenly Father,
I thank you for this wonderful day. Lord, I have come into Your presence asking You to give me strength. All the trials that I am facing have caused fear in my heart, but I know that You are always protecting and so I put my faith in You. Help me be fearless and a testimony to You. I make this prayer in Your matchless name.
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